Enriched with 23 vital nutrients in balanced proportion Complan is the only nutritional supplement that promises superior height growth in children,it also stands for complete planned food in a drink.
Complan was packaged in a glass bottle for several years, however the tallness of the bottle was the differentiator. Even while the competitors ( Horlicks, Boost , Bournvita) had moved on to softer and lighter mediums like PET bottles, Complan was shelved as bulky big bottle. The action to convert Complan to a friendly and contemporary format was an immediate mandate to DYW.
Study the category and understand the space that would be occupied to place the bottle on a household shelf or a retail shop Develop a structure that would resonate with the brand personality (Extra Growing Power) and create a visual vocabulary for the new packs.
A tall strong structure, which highlighted the growth aspect of the brand (Physical and Mental). A creation of an ergonomic friendly pet Jar and graphics which set the new 'avatar' apart from the competition.
DYW through this engagement captured the Complan brand essence and promise through to market!
Contact:Mumbai:+91-022-40406767 - Delhi:+91 11 26548089
Website: www.dmayellowworks.com
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