

An identity brings purpose to life. It defines ones existence and shapes the corresponding behavior. A person’s identity is his/her name that is accompanied by the specific characteristics possessed by the person. If we look at brands, there in we see the projection of its identity in form of a visual mark, which is popularly known as LOGO. Logo is a mark that represents the identity and behavior of the brand for which it is created. It’s the start point from where the world of brand personality originates.

Each brand has its own category premises in which it breathes and a core brand essence that acts as a soul. They are living beings in their own way. These brands affect numerous lives. Thus, it should be unique, memorable and relevant to its context. With this the challenge is to adhere to category codes but create differentiation that can lend some unique character to it. This pinch of uniqueness should help it to get registered in the mind of the consumer and also prompt quick recall.
Logo creation is one of the important aspects in design industry. If we think in practical frame then we may put across this statement that the logos are created by integrating visuals/symbols with typography. Wikipedia/popular sources defines logo as a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Though it belongs to the design domain, logos have crucial implications on human psychology and business generation.
Let’s look at these examples and see how logos occupy visual memory space and surprise us at various instances.

Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment (quoted from Schacter, Daniel (2011). Psychology.Worth Publishers). Perception combined with the sensory point of reference brings alive the astonishing world of observations and interpretations. Though building visual perceptions is instinctive in nature, one can master this art of deciphering visuals codes sharp examination of surroundings. It connects with the memory and identifies itself in the already existing database. Here the logos were partially hidden but the visual memory triggered a quick recall. In this example, human brain is reacting to color and form association, which is accompanied by spotting the unique character embedded in the logo mark.

 This is one way to show the influence and power of logos.
The expedition has just begun. The journey ahead will guide you to discover more exciting facts, observations and interpretation about the visual stimulus and human reactions to logos.
Written by
Dharamraj Ullagadi
Sr. ACD – DY Works
Neha Shrimali
Designer – DY Works

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